Friday, 5 June 2009 has now been upgraded

Well, it has taken several months, but the website has now been revised and updated with lots of new information and features. I hope you all like it ... if you have any comments, I'd be delighted to hear from you.

There is now a Top 10 of Famous Belgians. This will be updated monthly. Please let me know what your personal Top 10 is.

There is also a new section which lists the new names that have been suggested by visitors to the site. It's up to you to decide if they are worthy of being added to the main list of Famous Belgians.

Navigation has been dramatically improved and it should now be very easy to find what you want. You can browse the list either alphabetically or by category, or you can just type a name in the Google search box at the bottom of every page. This will search the whole of and get you to your target quickly.

Virtually every Belgian now has his/her picture included so you can see what they look like (or looked like if they are no longer alive!).

And most importantly, there is this blog. I hope you will find it interesting, I will be posting articles here on a regular basis.

Best wishes,

Marc Tielemans

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